Monday, June 11, 2007

Warren Buffett - Success and Integrity goes hand-in-hand

I have my favourite Billionaires: Mark Cuban, Richard Branson, Bill Gates, Sheldon Adelson and George Lucas. All of them have made their fortunes doing what they love: Whether through software, the Internet, great branding, conferences or great movies. They each had that one thing that they became the best at. However none has got success down to an art like mr Warren Buffett.

Warren Buffett, the world’s best investor and second richest man has made his fortune of being, 1, smart and 2, patient. When buys stock as an investment, he does so for the long haul. In his words:

“You should invest like a Catholic marries – For Life”

See it like a football game: His team is a great running team without a field goal kicker. He rushes to get to first down, without ever needing to kick in the fourth play. He does not go for the long, risky Quarterback throw, he moves slowly forward with his offence. And his team is always in the final.

His books are filled with lessons in success: He tells in one of his books that integrity and reputation is everything. That you can build your reputation for twenty years and loose it in five minutes: Therefore do not ever be greedy just to make an extra buck. He prides himself that he has no regrets. Every transaction he made seemed the best at the time and he never compromised his integrity in any of them.

If you ever want to read a good biography, read his. (I think there are three different biography titles out for him). He led an interesting life, making his first investment of $38 at the age of 11! I’ll keep quoting him, since I believe his life is a life worth modelling your own after.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Chase testimonials and the success will follow.

If you are like me, you love to get compliments, right? Well I got a couple yesterday. I've started my own business recently and the purpose of this blog is to keep a journal of what (if any) aspects make my business successful. That is where copliments come in: It kinda shows you what you are doing right.

FACT! Testimonials are THE best form of marketing message you can use. 95% of us are followers and the other 5% are innovators. People are eight times more likely to use a product/service if they know someone else that had to make the same decision, were eventually satisfied.

For that reason, I use a REAL testimonial in all my ads. Since I've been using it my responses on all my ads have increased dramatically. But to place a different testimonial in my ads every week, I had to start chasing testimonials.

And what did you thank happened? I started treating every client like a person that may supply me with my next testimonial. Service quality improved and I have a whole lot more happy clients. And happy clients tend to tell other people about your product/ service. And it all snowballs on you.

I cannot wipe this huge grin from my face!

Provide value to every person you meet. Study Success. And ask questions.

Happy Testimonial hunting.
Image courtesy of Getty Images

Friday, June 1, 2007

Talk and get Rich

Sometimes just merely verbalizing a goal is the first and most important step in achieving it. So go out and tell someone about it. Get someone that will listen. Tell them the details of the plan. You will realise that by verbalizing it, you will yourself fill in the blanks of your plan. You will start to visualise the destination. The clearer the visual mind image, the easier it is to work towards it.

Do One Thing Everyday - Reaching your Goals

It sounds so simple, but it's probably the best piece of advice I've ever heard. Do one thing everyday. If you would like to become succesfull, the first step is to know where you are going. Visualize the end destination. Whether it's a lifestyle, a bank balance or the security of a balanced lifestyle: Know the destination...

... and then...

Do One Thing Everyday

Nike said it best: "Just Do It". By taking one step, no matter how insignificant, towards the end destination is the key to getting there. After a while the one thing you did that day will start building on all the things you did previously and you will start to get momentum.

Momentum is the prequal to success. I'm loving life right now, because I've reached that momentum.

Image courtesy of Getty Images