You know you’ve reached the pinnacle of success when you can devote a large part of your time and money on charity. Bill Gates and his wife Melinda can say they’ve reached the pinnacle. So can Warren Buffett, the world’s second richest man and best private investor. Oprah Winfrey is living the enchanted life as so many ultra successful people have been doing before her.
After devoting your life to success in a field, there is no better reward than giving back to people less fortunate. Warren Buffett has created such a successful career, that today he can give away 85% of his income every year! THIS is what I’m going to refer to as the ULTIMATE GOAL. I have decided to make it mine. Yes, I would like to own most of the things I profile in my other blog, Lifestyles of the Rich, but I would like to, at the end of my career give away in abundance. Don’t you? It’s the most rewarding expense you can make. Don’t you agree?
Let me tell you: The one secret to success is to always give. Give and you shall receive. If you have a blog or your own web site, you will know this. If you want a good ranking in Google or any other search engine, you have you have outbound links in order to get traffic. Promote someone else’s site and the favour will be retuned. Not always from the site you link to, but from places like Google. Life works the same. If you are willing to give away a small portion of your wealth to a good cause, life will reward you with so much more. Not always in the way you’d expect, but it always does.

I'll bet you that these three individuals derive more pleasure from making these donations than from making the billions! This is success’ ULTIMATE GOAL!
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